NEW 4 week beginners course: Tue 4-25 March, 7.30-8.30pm. $80. Book now.
This course is good for new students as an introduction to Iyengar yoga and for returning or existing students to revisit the basic actions in asana. |
Yoga is a practice which helps us to gain clarity, physical strength and stability of mind. The approach of Iyengar yoga is suitable for people of all ages and physical ability.
Croydon Yoga Studio offers beginner (level 1) and general classes (level 2) in Iyengar yoga as well as courses for new students and teacher mentorships. In January 2023 we moved from a church hall to our current studio space, located on Port Road. Our small studio is in an old garage, which we converted into a simple but wonderful practice and teaching space. A little hidden treasure tucked behind the organic Little Green Grocer. Just away from the busy comings and goings of daily life. Croydon Yoga Studio is affiliated with Kensington Yoga School. |
Holiday season dates & changes
Wed 1- Wed 8 Jan' 25 : no classes (school on break) Thur 9 Jan '25 : full regular timetable resumes |
Monday 9.30-10.45am level 1 Leonie
Tuesday 6.30-8.00am level 2 Darrin Tuesday 6.00-7.15pm level 1 Darrin Thursday 6.30-7.45pm level 1/2 Leonie Friday 9.30-10.45am level 1 Leonie Saturday 7.00-8.30am level 2 Darrin Saturday 4.00-5.15pm level 1 Leonie |
2025 dates
General Classes
10 pass $200/ single class $25/ 10 pass- concession $180 (Concession= full time students and health care card) BEGINNERS & NEW STUDENTS WELCOME TO JOIN OUR CLASSES Introductory Course The Introductory course offers the foundation poses in a 6 week progressive course format. These courses are offered in 6 week blocks and not part of our regular time table. Level 1: Beginner level. For new students and students who have a basic understanding from the introductory course. Expect to spend 12 months at this level. Classes will include teaching of shoulder stand and preparation for Headstand. Level 2: Students would have a minimum of 1 year regular class attendance at the Beginner level 1. Classes include teaching of inversions, backbends and Pranayama. Led Practice: In a led practice the teacher is practicing and will call the sequence and the students are following. It is suitable of students who have been attending classes regularly for some time and familiarity with inversions or suitable alternatives is essential. This practice gives the students and opportunity to be in the asana more independently of teacher's instruction and can be helpful in working towards a home practice. |
Location |
564-566 Port Rd, Allenby Gardens, South Australia
Darrin and Leonie are trained and qualified to teach in the BKS Iyengar Method. They are certified and are committed to practice and teaching.
Darrin has been a teacher and director of the Kensington School of Yoga for over 25 years. He lives in West Croydon and felt this would be a good area to begin a simple studio offering Iyengar classes in the community. Leonie has been practicing Iyengar yoga since the early 2000s and has been teaching since 2017. She completed her Iyengar certification under the guidance of Darrin and continues to study with him. “The study of Iyengar yoga continues to inspire me every day and it has given me a practice that I have been able to sustain through different stages and events in my life." |
What is Iyengar Yoga?
BKS Iyengar was a great yoga practitioner and teacher born in Belur India in 1918. He maintained a strong practice right until his death in August 2014.
The Iyengar approach to yoga is firmly based in the traditional teachings of Patanjali and his Yoga sutras, an ancient text written some 2500 years ago. Mr Iyengar took a disciplined and deeply researched approach to this noble subject. Some of the defining characteristics of Iyengar Yoga are an emphasis on precision and alignment, planned sequencing, timings in the practice and the use of props. This approach has made it possible for people of all ages and physical ability to experience the benefits of a yoga practice. Light on Yoga was first published in 1966 and remains a modern classic on the subject. For more visit |
Darrin McNally & Leonie Wierenga are Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers.